Is AL SHABAAB Winning war Against Kenya? Christians are Converting in Case of Attack - MULO ENTERTAINER


10 Jun 2015

Is AL SHABAAB Winning war Against Kenya? Christians are Converting in Case of Attack

Somalia based militants – Al Shabaab - seem to be gaining ground within Kenya’s territory and gaining followers within the country, especially from the Christian community.

This was revealed by Kiambu Governor William Kabogo who raised a red flag over the growing number of Muslims in the country thanks to Al Shabaab’s terror attacks.

Speaking yesterday at a function organized by the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), Kabogo noted that Christians are now converting to Islam in large numbers just to be safe in case Al-Shabaab strike, while those who have not converted fully are attending madrasas to learn the Quran and Muslim prayers just in case; something he said poses a great danger to national security.

The Kiambu Governor attributed the move by Christians to convert to Islam to the technique the Al Shabaab are using where they spare Muslims and those who recite the Quran and kill Christians like insects, just like it happened in Garissa University and Westgate Shopping Mall.

“If students in Garissa University knew the Quran and how to pray in Arabic, they would be alive today. That is the fear the Al Shabaab has instilled in Christians who are now becoming Muslims as a matter of necessity,” said Kabogo.

At the same time, Kabogo asked President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, to deal decisively with Aden Duale and North Eastern leaders for trivializing the issue of Al Shabaab and joking with the lives of Kenyans.